Smart Business Corporate Tax Planning

Smart Business Corporate Tax Planning

Smart Business Corporate Tax Planning

Corporate tax planning is a function of maximizing smart business plan tax savings. This can be accomplished by reducing its taxable income or by increasing its NOLs. A company’s taxable income is calculated differently depending on whether it has an ordinary taxable corporation (OTC) or a Subchapter S corporation (S-Corp). An OTC calculates its annual net income and then applies deductions to reduce this number before determining how much tax must be paid on it. A Subchapter S corporation calculates its annual net income in the same way but doesn’t pay federal taxes on that amount because it passes through all profits and losses directly to shareholders who then pay taxes on them when filing their personal returns each year.

The function of corporate tax planning

Corporate tax planning is the process of minimizing a smart business plan tax burden when filing taxes. It’s an ongoing process that can take place year-round, and it involves many different areas of expertise. Here are some things to know about corporate tax planning.

Tax planning is a multi-faceted process that involves many different areas of expertise, including accounting and finance, economics, law and more. Tax planning is an ongoing activity that takes place year-round. Corporate tax planning is complex it requires specialized knowledge and skills to achieve results effectively.

You need to have a good understanding of all the laws

To make sure you get the most out of your corporate tax planning, you need to have a good understanding of all the laws, regulations and rules pertaining to corporate tax planning. It’s not enough just to know what is deductible from your business income. You also need to know what isn’t deductible so that you can avoid mistakes that could cost you money. There are many rules and regulations around this area, so it is best if you get help from an expert in this field if possible.

If you don’t have that kind of expertise, seek help from a professional

But if you don’t have that kind of expertise, seek help from a professional. There are many highly qualified professionals who can help you with your business tax planning. You can hire an accountant, tax attorney, CPA or tax planner to assist you with such matters. And there are also other types of experts who may be able to assist as well.

Tax advisors often provide general advice on how to manage taxes for small businesses and individuals (including sole proprietorships). They may perform some basic analysis for their clients about which deductions would be most beneficial for them under certain circumstances, but they generally do not offer any specific recommendations regarding how those deductions should be taken (e.g., whether a client should claim travel expenses related to business trips as itemized deductions versus taking the standard deduction). If this type of assistance sounds appealing, then consider using services offered through companies such as Intuit’s TurboTax program because they will help guide users through these decisions while keeping track of all necessary documentation so that it’s ready when needed by an advisor when filling out forms later down the road.

A company’s taxable income is its gross income less deductions for expenses

Taxable income is the amount of your gross income that remains after legally allowable expenses have been subtracted. The federal government allows businesses plenty of ways to lower their taxable income and thus, their tax bill.

Some expenses can be deducted from gross income each year

Some expenses can be deducted from gross income each year when they are paid or incurred. These are called ‘expenses’. For example, if you buy office furniture for your business in 2020 and it costs $2,000, you could claim the tax deduction immediately.

You’ll need to complete a separate tax return for your business (supplied by us) before claiming any deductions on the expenses claimed in that year. When submitting this tax return at the end of June 2021, we will include all other business-related expenses already included in your monthly account statements with our invoices.

Other expenses must be capitalized and deducted over time as depreciation

You may think you’re done with your tax return, but there are still some important items to keep in mind. While depreciation is an accounting method that allows a business to recover the cost of an asset over time, it also affects how much profit that asset generates for tax purposes. When calculating taxable income, the IRS uses depreciation as well as other expense deductions such as employee wages and repairs on equipment. Depreciation is an important part of tax planning for a business because it has a direct impact on both taxable income and net operating loss (NOL) calculation(s).

Don’t make donations to political organizations or candidates, parties, or PACs. If you want to support your favourite politician, there are plenty of ways to do so other than writing them a check and saving yourself some money in the process! For example, put up some lawn signs for them, buy their campaign merchandise; volunteer for their campaign, open a joint bank account with them and deposit all your cash in it (but only after subtracting any taxes owed).


The final step is to apply any tax credits against the amount of taxable income remaining after applying all allowable expenses and subtracting NOLs. If the result is zero or less, you will have no tax liability for that year.